MTES Balanced Scorecard
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Six Sigma Balanced ScoreCard
Balanced Scorecard is a concept helping you translate strategy into action. The Balanced ScoreCard starts from the company vision and strategies, from here critical success factors are defined. Measures are constructed that aid improving business performance in areas critical to the strategies. Hence, Balanced Scorecard is thought to be a performance measurement system, derived from vision and strategy, and reflecting the most important aspects of the business. These business performance measures are often arranged into so called Dashboards to display the instantaneous value of each metric.

Traditional performance measurement, focusing on external accounting data, was quickly becoming obsolete and something more was needed to provide the information age enterprises with efficient planning tools. For this purpose Kaplan & Norton, founders of the system, introduced four different perspectives from which a company’s activity can be evaluated:

  • Financial perspective (how do we look to our shareholders?)
  • Customer perspective (how do we look to our customers?)
  • Process perspective (in what processes should we excel to succeed?)
  • Learning and innovation perspective (how will we sustain our ability to change and improve?)

Traditional "Static" Dashboard



Six Sigma Balanced ScoreCard                                                                                                                                      

MTES believes there is an inherit flaw in most Balanced ScoreCard systems, the nature of variation is not considered. Most methods and software products do not properly integrate the nature of variation, these programs treat metrics as though there are static. The dashboard above is a common example of the end state of most Balanced ScoreCard processes.  MTES believes this "static" representation of metrics is not as useful tool to provide leaders with incite into their processes as a dashboard which integrates the theory of variation. In many business and governmental processes information from past performance can help leaders predict the future performance. More importantly, proper understanding of the current state of a process can be invaluable in understanding how to improve performance.  MTES is currently developing a software product that will assist leaders to easily create and save Six Sigma Dashboards. For further information please contact us.

Six Sigma Dashboard


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